Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Buckminster's theory of life

As a conscious means of hopefully competent participation by humanity in its own evolutionary trending while employing only the unique advantages inhering exclusively to the individual who takes and maintains the economic initiative in the face of the formidable physical capital and credit advantages of the massive corporations and political states I seek through comprehensively anticipatory design science and its reduction to physical practice to reform the environment instead of trying to reform man also intend thereby to accomplish prototyped capabilities of doing more with less whereby in turn the wealth-regenerating prospects of such design-science augmentations will induce their spontaneous economically successful production by world-around industrialization’s managers all of which chain-provoking events will both permit and induce all humanity to realize full lasting economic and physical success plus the enjoyment of all the Earth without one individual interfering with or being advantages at the expense of another.

-Buckminster Fuller

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